Sunday 20 April 2014

More men in the sky!!

Well the day got off to a really good start! At 06.30, dad looked out of the bedroom window to see some of my sheep in next door's field. "Oh good" said he (I think). Off he went to sort them out and when the phone rang 10 minutes later we knew we were in for a rodeo. For some reason, mum left me behind, and went to assist. As mum went out of the door, I caught a glimpse of a huge red ball in the sky with 'Virgin' written on the side and every so often it made this very loud hissing noise, and fire went up, and it went higher. Mum said some very rude words and ran off waving her crook in the air.

They returned half an hour later, and after a nice cup of coffee, order and harmony was restored. The Virgin balloon had put its burst on over the sheep, they had been startled, and jumped the fence. It didn't help the shining hour, when just as dad had got them to the gateway, the pilot thought it would be a good idea to let the balloon come down so that his passengers could get a good look at a farmer with a purple face dancing up and down, before another burst, which of course scared them once more into turning and running back. Hence the call for help.

Of course it would have all gone a lot smoother had I been called in the first place.

It was soon time for Auntie Jean and Uncle Rob (bless their kind hearts) to scoop us up to take us back to Upper Booth where we left off for the hike to the Snake Road. But first of all, we returned to the No Car Cafe for a fine breakfast to sustain us for the walk ahead.

From Upper Booth we walked to the bottom of Jacobs Ladder, a steep cobbled incline to Kinder Scout. There is a slightly easier route which zigzags up the hill and so a debate ensued as to which way to go. Of course, we went the hard way - what else?

Up on to the top of Kinder where a generally cold day was 'enhanced' by a strong wind, thankfully it was dry underfoot and we made good progress on the top, including a stop at the trig point for a photograph (of course). It was horrendously busy with people and dogs and it's surprising, therefore, that we were fortunate enough to see a mountain hare. This animal turns white in the winter but keeps the colour on the tips of its ears - looks like it's been dipped in a pot of white paint and hung out to dry by his ears! In England it is only to be found in the High Peak.

Half way across we were met by J&R who had left their car at the other end and walked to meet us. Well not quite halfway because one of the party (very sensibly in my view) didn't want to ascend and descend the hill that was in the way.

When we got back, another dog had arrived. Millie. She has a lot to say - not quite used to that yet. Think I'll take my time, because I seem to be getting a lot of treats at the moment.

Happy Easter everybody - Auntie Jean bought me a book all about Madge the Snub Nosed Lorry from Thomas the Tank Engine. Umm.

Tomorrow we leave home until the job is done, so Crowden here we come.

Keep spreading the word


Sorry got a problem with the photos again - working on it!

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