Wednesday 16 April 2014

Limestone country

I knew it couldn't last long - it was just too good to be true. After 2 days at home, they've only gone and got cabin fever. I don't know what it is, but apparently the only way to make it better is to go for a long walk!

So at 07.15 they loaded me into the car with dad, and mum followed in her car until she parked it in the middle of nowhere and then they came back. Well, I thought, that wasn't much of a walk, and what about mum's car?

Fear not, on went the boots, the rucksacks and my harness and off we went. Out first leg of the onward journey in the offing.

Up across the fields, past the eerie relics of Magpie Mine, through the picturesque and peaceful village of Sheldon, and down to Taddington. We came across a strange structure, a telephone box..... With a telephone in it. Mum observed that it is now fairly easy to spot an operating telephone box from a daitance....because it hasn't been painted! Along our travels we have seen a number of boxes converted into libraries (I think we may have included a a little earlier on), and I understand that in nearby Tideswell they have converted theirs into a history box. One common theme is that they are all smartly and freshly painted.

Through the churchyard and across more fields to Priestcliffe. We came across a swing hanging from a tree in the middle of a field full of sheep and lambs. When I looked over the wall, mum thought I wanted a go on the swing - silly mum - I'm a sheep dog!

Down into Millers Dale, up past Tideswell and on to where mum's car was parked - that's a relief.

Later on this evening, they put on the talking picture box and you'll never guess who was on? Only Katy Cropper, whose farm I was born on, and whose Academy I went to. She was on Come Dine With Me on Channel 4 and it's an episode that's worth downloading!

I've been promised a day off tomorrow. - I was supposed to be having one today because I had my annual jabs yesterday - such is life. So I'm assuming we will be back to Plan 378 on Saturday!  See you then.

Keep spreading the word.


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