Wednesday 23 April 2014

A better kind of water

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday we were paddling over the moors, where, even on the slabs of the Pennine Way, there was 1 to 2 inches of water, with more pouring out of the sky.

Today, sunshine most of the day, dry underfoot and the only water of note was in the numerous reservoirs we have walked past. Standedge to Hebden Bridge, 15.5 miles, but a wonderful walk high up over the moors! with great views all day.

The day began with a little controversy. As you know, mum was euphoric to be back in Yorkshire. However, dad managed to burst her bubble, by reliably informing her that, Diggle, where we spent the night, was in Lancashire. So, not only not in Yorkshire, worse still Lancashire. Disappointment was etched on her face. So when the B&B owner confirmed that we were indeed in Yorkshire, you can imagine the reaction!

Anyway, off we skipped back on to the moors. Now yesterday, several people had told mum that there was a snack bar halfway along the route, by the time they got to the layby, she had managed to hallucinate an oasis, represented by, a cafe furnished with tables and chairs, frequented by knights of the road all falling over themselves to give donations to the charities, and best of all, in the corner there would be a tumble dryer, which would dry our sodden clothes, whilst we consumed mugs full of steaming hot chocolate. The reality was...... nothing, zilch, nano. Today, the same suggestion had reached mum's shell-likes. Today, there was a snack bar, and today we got our hot drinks, and fly pie, and a jolly welcome.

Shortly afterwards, when dad was changing the software card in his sat thingy, we met a gentleman called Wayne Stringfellow, who was very interested in our walk. He was telling us about the book of poetry  he has written. A little later he passed us in his car whilst we were lunching, and very kindly stopped to ask if there was
anything we needed that he could fetch for us.

Our 'natural' treat for the day was a Golden Plover. What a pretty bird. I'll put it on the blog next week.

In the meantime, mum took a picture of Stoodley Pike on the I pad so that you wouldn't be too deprived. Sorry it's in the wrong place - can't have it all! - Technology 1 Madge 0

Our thanks to the lady in Something Sweet in Hebden Bridge for her kind donation, as well as refreshing our depleted stocks of old fashioned sweeties - very important for energy!!

Short day tomorrow. Keep spreading the word.


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