Sunday 13 April 2014

Home sweet home

When we got here last night, there was the biggest bag of Burns in the world waiting for me - I thought it must be Christmas. Then I realised what it really meant - more strenuous exercise! Nonetheless, huge thanks to the lovely people at Burns who have sent it to me. I've made a start and will make it my mission to finish it as soon as possible when the DD aren't looking!

This morning, we drove to Hartington, to pick up a friend who was going to walk with us until lunchtime. When we got there, waiting, were some of the lovely people from SARDA. John and Freda who are 'Dogsbodys'. These are the people who, on training days, go out and hide so that the dogs can find them. Also, Ian with his young dog, KT (mum thinks) who is one of the handlers and who works with the Edale Mountain Rescue Team. All these folk are entirely voluntary and all the costs are supported by donations, without government assistance. It was great to meet them all, and to have photographs taken to publicise the walk.

Shortly after, our friend David arrived and off we went to Thorpe to start where we finished off last night. We walked on to the disused Tissington Railway to make our way back to Hartington. There was a cold headwind most of the way, which wasn't too bad for me, but must have been worse for them because they're a bit bigger than me. Although not as big as they were! A few pounds have been  deposited by the wayside over the last 5 weeks!

We left David at Hartington, to begin the final leg home. I don't know if it was the thought of reaching home, but dad has all but run this afternoon, with mum and I scuttling along behind him. It was all we could to keep up ( mum, anyway). He stopped long enough to let me have a first drink in our own River Lathkill, but frankly, it was a bit clean, I think I prefer the skanky stuff the River Severn churns out.

Anyway, here we are safely home, and we have a couple of days off for them to catch up on all the post and to make sure all things business are in order before we head north. Don't be surprised or concerned if there is no blog, it just means that nothing has happened of note. Normal service will be resumed all in due course.

Keep spreading the word.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Madge, it was so lovely to see your mum and dad when they called into the Helen's Trust office this morning - it really made our day!! We were sorry we didn't meet you but you've earned a well deserved rest! Our office dog Milly says hello and she thinks you're amazing for walking LEJOG. x
