Thursday 27 March 2014

Swan wars

We left Creech Barn where we were well looked after. We now know what broadband should be like - fast. They couldn't be bothered to stay up for W1A last night and downloaded it this morning in 30 seconds - would have taken a good hour at home! We're moving to Somerset!

This morning, we spent on the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal for most of which we were accompanied by 3 swans fighting for territory. They gave us a magnificent flight display.

The canal has regularly sited pill boxes which they can't figure out. Surely even Mainwaring and his motley crew didn't expect U boats up the canal -"don't tell them your name Pike!'

There were also a number of displays which can only be termed as tributes to the planets. Each one had a model of the planet and a verbal representation of it's composition, physical attributes, and a philosophical comment regarding it's  relationship with earth. Very educational.

Along the way, a gentleman on his bike stopped us and enquired about the walk. Dad asked him about the water on the levels and he told us that he was from Moorland and had been flooded out of house and home. He and his family are currently in temporary accommodation and likely to be so for another 6-8 months. He was incredibly cheerful and was far more interested in LEJOG than he was in his own problems - isn't that marvellous?

Before we left home, mum thought she was very clever when she switched the phone to dad's mobile and arranged for all the utility bills to be delivered to the net. Ah the best laid plans of mice and men. (No idea what that means but mum says it's a quotation). Because it was estimated, of course, the bill is huge, and Sainsburys in their wisdom decided it was a potential fraud and stopped the account. That went down well when dad tried to pay the bill this morning. Anyway he rang Sainsbugs and spoke to an extremely helpful young lady called Susan who sorted everything out. We are of course immensely grateful that they are keeping an eye on the account.

As we approached the end of the canal we came across a fisherman. He had the most immense rod. It stretched from the middle of the canal, across the towpath, through the trees on the other side and out. It must have been all of 25' long. Dad asked him if it was big enough and the fisherman replied that he had 2 more lengths that would make it reach to the grass at the other side of the canal. Mum said "are there many fish in the grass at the other side?" .......hmmm

We then had an incredible open pub!! We took the opportunity to have a drink and a sit down. And dad asked the lady behind the bar if there was any way we could get across the Parrott (river) without going into Bridgwater. We had already asked representatives of The Environment Agency, and The Canal Trust, who said there wasn't. But they didn't know Amanda who came up with the goods, saving us 1 mile today and 2 miles tomorrow, and a 2 mile walk along a busy main road. THANK YOU AMANDA!!

This afternoon has been principally on the road through the levels. We have been treated to more swan activity,  a little egret and some llamas ( or alpacas - not too sure). Once more we have been incredibly lucky with the weather, and once more it teemed it down just after we came in.

We are now safely ensconced in the Glastonbury Travelodge where we shall be staying for 2 nights.

Keep spreading the word.


1 comment:

  1. Just how did Amanda get you across was it a boat , a bridge , or did you balance on the fisherman's extended rod, or did you have to do the doggy aunty Jean
