Friday 7 March 2014

1 day to go

He's still ôn about the weight of his rucksack and overnight, 2 facts have occurred to me. Firstly, mum moans about how quickly he walks. Secondly, the Green Goddess (car) is missing some balancing weights from her wheels.....hmmm, could somebody have out them in the rucksack?

Some of you have enquired about the weight of my rucksack. Well, it's about 1.5 to 2 Kg, which isn't bad, and I've only to look at dad and look pathetic, and he'll help me out. Soft touch? You bet!

A further crisis has arisen today. Dad can't find my portable bowl. He's been through every cupboard (yes, every cupboard) in the house and still not found it. You know those comedy's where the man is deep into the cupboard and items are flying out over his shoulder - well it's not so funny.

Last day at home tomorrow. Still plenty to do but it's looking manageable (at last). Mum is beginning to get quite giddy at the thought of no housework for 3 months.

- the Hoover has been SORNed and put on bricks
- the iron is snuggled up in a bed of silica gel bags (so old they've gone brown!)
- the washing machine and tumble dryer have had prayers and are tucked up in blankets
- and the oven "can go take a running jump!"

Each of these action was accompanied by a little jig.

I've stored all my bones, balls and other toys in a corner of my bedroom.

Keep spreading the word


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