Wednesday 19 March 2014


Mum would like a word....

Quite a few of you have asked after Madge' wellbeing. She is an amazing little dog, brave and a fighter. Yes, she is tired at night (aren't we all), but she settles down after she's eaten and when she wakes up in the morning, she's running round the walls again. Her paws are fine and to say we've done so much road work, the practice miles have certainly paid off. We both think she's gaining condition and that says such a lot for her diet.

She was delighted to get here last night. The hotel had provided her with a proper comfortable, dog bed, a bowl, and 2 bonios which Madge got to and scoffed before we spotted them! She is being thoroughly spoilt with waitresses bringing hidden sausages and everybody generally making a great fuss of her. Nothing for us mind, but then I'm not too keen on bonios - bit like cardboard! (Well to me anyway)

Some of you have asked about the little harness she wears. This is for a number of reasons. You probably can't see, but it has a handle in the middle, which enables us to lift her over obstacles she can't manage - awkward stiles (Cornish speciality), cattle grids, brambles etc. we also have a pallisade pack, which attaches to it, so that when we have to carry all our gear (no camping just yet) she can carry her own light but bulky stuff. Nothing she can't handle, I promise.

Back to Madge......

So what do we do on a 'rest day'? Well I've just taken them for a little walk round the village - got to keep them limbered up! We found the Ambrosia factory, they both like, I just like Burns. Then I went for a little swim. Mum's been doing some admin., dad's been interrupting! And we've all generally been chilling out, it's been nice.

It's a shame it's going to rain tomorrow, but there's nothing we can do about it so we might just as we'll enjoy a beautiful spring day.

Keep spreading the word - we crashed through 200 hits yesterday - fantastic, let's go for the 1000!!!!
