Saturday 1 February 2014

Coasting Day1

So after a mile or two, communication was restored and we started the journey from St Bees to Ennerdale Bridge.

The weather was much like yesterday but not quite as cold. And not as cold as the atmosphere!

A relatively uneventful progress through Cleator Moor and then the first climb - up over Dent. Just as we approached the top we came across a cairn on top of which someone had placed a Union Jack. We were about to pass on, when a young man popped up from the back (he of the flag). He wasn't too tall, wearing shorts and a t shirt and carrying what looked like a very heavy pack. Bearing in mind the weather, it was hardly appropriate wear, but he appeared oblivious. He wasn't too sure of his way, so he walked with us until we'd stopped for lunch and then he went on his merry way, never to be seen again.

It may have been the location which sent him on his merry way. Mum sat on an old tree stump, which turned out to be full of ants. Dad sat on top of an eight foot high stile straddling a deer fence. Me - I found a nice piece of comfy grass to lie down and munch on my biscuits.

After lunch, dad got down on the other side of the stile. Mum made a song and dance about getting over it and got herself in a right old tangle with her walking poles. Me - I just walked through the 6' hole in the fence!

The rest of the walking day was fairly uneventful, until we reached our destination for the night, and I know you will all be on tenterhooks to learn about that, but you're going to have to wait!

By the way, I was excused my rucksack on this trip, concentration was on a more general level, concentrating on their capability. Mine seemed to be taken for granted.

I think light is just beginning to dawn with these two! For a start, they've suddenly realised its winter - soup for dinner last night and soup for lunch today! On top of that, they've been watching the news. For weeks now they've been oozing sympathy for all those poor people and animals in Somerset, but only today have the jokes about my water wings gone away, and the maps come out, to devise a sensible and workable alternative route round and/or through the Somerset levels.

Follow me on Facebook - Madges.March

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PS thanks Auntie Sal - the comments box was blocked, but should be OK now - oh 'Eck!!

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