Wednesday 26 February 2014

C to C next stop the wild parrots of Kirby Stephen

So back to where we started, today, and dad was full of excitement at the thought of being (if only briefly) reunited with his beloved vehicle - so was I 'cos that means I'm going to be able to sleep in my cage tonight. And mum' s ecstatic at the prospect of a washing machine. We know how to live.

It's a lovely walk from Orton to Kirby Stephen, half of it across open fields, the remainder across moorland. One of our favourite stops is Smardale Bridge about halfway round. It is a beautiful spot and on a previous C to C, mum and dad had had an early start stopping here for breakfast. In the quiet of early morning mist, on a beautiful June morning, they were joined by a female red deer, a Mallard duck with her brood of ducklings, and had a brief glimpse of a fox. What a privilege. This year they were graced by a wonderful Dutch family, whose 6 and 8 year olds were literally skipping along the route, and who had apparently done so since the beginning of the walk at St Bees! It was so nice to see young people enjoying simple outdoor pursuits in such a way. The whole family were just a very happy unit as became apparent when we shared the site with them later.

There was more wildlife spotting to come, in Kirby Stephen, where we were fortunate enough to spot the wild parrots (or I should say macaws) which frequent the area - so colourful and a rare treat.

We decided to have fish and chips and were deliberating over which of the 3 to chose when one of them had the bright idea of asking some local people outside the chapel for their recommendations - pillars of the community, mum said. Well they saw her coming. Dire!

Keld tomorrow.

Keep spreading the word


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