Monday 2 June 2014

Nessie rides again

Of course they had to have a little play round the lochs before we left, especially as the road bridge was opening as we came down the road.

We have referred, in the past, to alternative uses for redundant phone boxes amongst which have been; village libraries, art galleries, information centres and a historical society exhibition. Today we have encountered a fresh approach - a greenhouse! I'm not sure where the box has come from becaiuse as far as we can see all Scotland's phone boxes appear to be in good working order.

A little further on, we met Scrumpy, a 14 week old Labrador pup, who was just a delight and such a good boy.

On with the Great Glen Way then. Today's walk has been beside Loch Ness although we have actually been in dense forest nearly all day and have seen very little of the water. This has been particularly frustrating for mum who has been adamant since we started on our little adventure, that she was going to be the first person to spot the monster in 50 odd years. Now we all know that the monster is amphibious, but what you may not realise is that it lives on the hill, in the forest beside the loch. It is huge, I mean massive. It's green, roars, churns out smoke, and eats trees. Men called foresters chop down the trees to appease the monster and leave them in neat stacks so that it can feast with relative ease. It also eats people and we could see one waving from inside its eye, trying to get out.

This all came about because we came to a sign in the forest warning of felling operations which could cause certain death and recommending that we use the diversion that somebody had already told us, went all the way down to the bottom of the forest, along the very scary A82, and all the way back up the hill we had only just come down. Of course the Dynamic Duo decided this was a complete waste of time, and that they would stick with the path. There were huge stacks of logs for the monster everywhere,  and at one point he came roaring up behind us, and we ran.

A little further on we came round a corner on the hill into a small clearing, to find a helicopter parked (as you do). Dad decided it was a good photo opportunity and dragged me in front of it, only to find that it was full of men in orange coats, eating sandwiches. Mum's convinced it was just a glorified chuck wagon, but they reckoned it was taking stone up to the top of the hill where the GGW is shortly due to be re-routed. Thank goodness we're not doing this walk next year.

We lunched at Invermoriston at a small road side cafe on the Skye Road. If anybody's going that way, the food is all home produced and of excellent quality. Fortunately we were between showers because, guess what, we weren't allowed in.

This afternoon, in the middle of the forest, we came across the 'Stone Cave' said to have been built to offer shelter to a washerwoman on her frequent journeys between Altsaigh and Invermoriston.

Destination tonight is Altsaigh, where, I think I mentioned, we are in a caravan just on the edge of the forest. We are reliably informed that if we hear noises on the roof in the night it will probably be pine marten or red squirrels. That's all right then!!

Drumnadrochit tomorrow.

Keep spreading the word.


1 comment:

  1. Just shows females have always been oppressed they won't let you in hotels cafe's , don't let mum start taking in washing. You can come in our boot anytime.
