Friday 2 May 2014

Co Durham

We must thank the Duckworth family for their very kind contribution last evening.

We have left Mum's beloved Yorkshire and into a new county - Co Durham. Still very beautiful and with plenty of wildlife to keep her happy - 2 stoats and a weasel today for starters. We haven't spotted any yet, but we are told there are black grouse in these parts, apparently much depleted in days gone by, by milliners coveting their white curly feathers for hats.

We started the day with a quote for the week with the question 'How do you spell idiot?'

We left Bowes and walked across some very boggy moor, to meet the old railway line near Cotherstone, which took us nearly all the way to Middleton. A lovely bright day, such a stark contrast to yesterday, with bright blue skies, cotton wool clouds, and a light breeze. The views have been stunning all day.

Just outside Middleton (about 2 mins walk!) we met Sal, Rob and Millie who had kindly walked to meet us with the intention of walking us in. As they were so near the end, they decided to carry on walking back to Romaldkirk, and after some brief retail therapy in Middleton, we drove their car home - that felt weird!

Shortly after returning to the hotel, Jim, Jo and Jaz (making a good recovery from her horrendous experience) arrived. So we are gathered for the weekend and we3 are getting our heads round it all.

Rest day tomorrow (yes, that's 2 in 1 week - did he have a rush of blood to the head?)

Keep spreading the word.


1 comment:

  1. Madge you Millie and jaz be careful a warning on the tv regarding ticks, be gentle with jaz and have a great weekend .if you see Hanna ask for the cheese recipe l fancy having a go love Jean xxx
